09-17-2011, 02:38 PM
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Re: Question about things removed over the years
I think it is a combination of limited resources and lack of overall programming prowess. I imagine games on last gen (XBOX and PS2) were, overall, easier to manage and develop. With expanded limits on the current generation, I think the current development team is struggling to keep up.
I think we've just about approached the graphics cap on this generation, other than some refinements and bug fixes. With that, I hope the game can begin to expand outwards, but there is no guarantee. And besides that, the art department is separate from the rest, so really, upgrading graphics should not inhibit the rest of the game from moving forward.
Other than a lack of resources (including time constraints) and ability, another problem may be simple directional issues--and by that I mean the game has poor direction. There is perhaps little consensus about how to proceed. The priority list may vary for each individual, or it is just a poor list overall. This is all just speculation, of course, as I don't work at EA.
Some of the gimmicky things they have added over the years also took up needless time that could have (and should have) been devoted to progressing the series. Instead these things are added for a year then removed by the next cycle.