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Old 09-20-2011, 11:13 PM   #726
NBA 2K Gameplay Producer, Offensive AI System - SIM NATION
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Re: NBA 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by BlackRome
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but for those who wished for the tightness the 2k series was known for before last year floaty animations you will still be disappointed.

It's better than last year but not by much.

Knowing 2k server issues it's going to be worst online and you probably won't notice much difference form last year.

If the movement feels the way it feels offline in the demo when you take it online. If they fix the servers. . It would be an improvement. But like I said. Barely.

Right now this demo can not compare at all to the tightness of 2k7, 2k8. 2k9 or 2k10.

Just take a step with your defensive man forward.

You stopped moving the stick but he's still moving forward.

It's no where near in real time. Why am I watching his two feet plant so slowly.

Which means there is no way you can feel like your on the court.

It's just not real. The animations still need to be tightened up.

Hopefully they have tightened it up a little before they release.

It's better than last year but not by much.

Looks like the fanboys are wetting their pants again when it's nowhere near necessary.

Yet every time I read a hands on preview they talk about how great the game feels compared to last year. Even though these same reviewers never made a peep about how bad the animations were last year. Neither did the fanboys. It was funny reading how last year was the greatest even though the animations were the worst the series has seen on the next gen.

I have both systems. I only played it on the 360.
Rome is it possible to state your opinion without insulting those who differ ? Also are you comments moreso about how you feel the lack of improvements will transfer to an online experience ? IE unless the control is drastically better you will not be able to notice it online ?

Fyi to take steps on defense you can tap the stick and for more controlled granular movements you hold the left trigger and move. That is where the nuance of the control lies on defense.

Holding the stick in directions unless you feather it will cause you to move to fast to stop immediately. There are actually 2-3 speeds ( if i remember correctly) on the stick alone. If your too heavy handed that could be your issue with not being able to spot unless you really are expecting real-time and I don't believe anyone promised that.

Last edited by Da_Czar; 09-20-2011 at 11:18 PM.
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