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Old 09-20-2011, 11:36 PM   #742
OVR: 14
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Southaven MS
Re: NBA 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by celtics6
First impressions are positive. I'm playing on the 360 on the hardest difficulty and getting my butt handed to me most games(go into your profile and change it to hard if you don't know this).

First things I noticed is the demo is pretty much no frills. Not a whole lot to it. I was hoping for maybe a classic matchup as well since that is what this game is about this year.

Also the hop step button is removed. Unless I'm missing something. I guess you hit y to back down. y to spin out of the post, double teams etc. Controls seem pretty simplified. I'm still getting a hang of the post game but the controls seem pretty straightforward and tight this year although maybe a bit too simplified.

Another thing i noticed is that players seem to be more animated during stoppages. It seems to me like 2k was trying to give the game more personality. The animations in between plays I don't know if they are more realistic or just more animated though. The animations in between plays are pretty amazing regardless but it gives the game a bit more of an arcade feel. The game in general seems very polished and straightforward but arcade like at the same time. Players seem to animate very well and mesh together. No signs of morphing or any of that. The game is silky smooth. Graphics are really crisp. Has 2k struck that perfect balance? Time will tell.

I do find myself backing down more often which I dont know if thats good or bad. The game seems to be more forcing you to play a certain way which I'm not sure I like or not. Is it forcing you to play realistically and like the nba sure? I'm someone who likes to push the pace and break the rules a bit though. Yes it will be good for cheesers but you also should be allowed the freedom to play your own style without breaking the game. Again only time will tell and I don't see this being much of an issue going forward. I think the game strikes a good balance.

Dirk on one play was backing down on the perimeter spun to the hoop and flushed it in Dirk fashion and looked just like Dirk. The signature moves are pretty amazing.

Miami is shooting lights out on the hardest difficulty. Chalmers hits everything if left wide open, but if you challenge shots you see realistic results.

I guess that's it. I don't really have any issue with this game and don't see why it would disapoint. A pretty lackluster demo and only a small taste that will keep players jones's high.
Where is the profile?
GameTag Babythug24

PSN Brandon26ms
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