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Old 09-27-2011, 06:01 PM   #266
OVR: 2
Join Date: Aug 2011
Re: Coach Mode NFL Stats FF Style!

Slb can you please repost the final numbers for the mini test thanks.

once i see the numbers (remember 8 games is not that many just a vauge look) we have 2 choices tell me which you prefer

1) we can convert this to 32 games meaning theres 24 left

2) we can wipe the slate clean and start over and do a full clean slate 32 game test . I will based on what slb post for final numbers make a few small tweaks. ( I actually think I prefer this ) but i want to see what others think as well.

P.S. if anyone has any input (only after the final numbers of the mini test are posted ) then by all means .I take alot of feedback example EbonBlue was the one that suggested 33-40 threshold . 40 actually works pretty well .

The only thing i ask is that when testing games they are done by the rules to the letter i am old school. The reason for this is to have the slate as clean as possible and to eliminate any variables. Once the testing is done people can play there game how they like .Thats personal preference, just dont blame me if stats dont look like you want them to.

but as ive said every season is differnt you could play 2 full seasons and come out with different stats. Easially could have to wildly different seasons really to be honest.

Last edited by Lombardi; 09-27-2011 at 06:25 PM.
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