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Old 09-29-2011, 07:54 PM   #4
Ricky Rowe Zay
Ricky Rowe Zay's Arena
OVR: 6
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: At the Finish Line
Re: No Improvements To Offline Association huh?

Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
And this is why I love the 2K Forums around this time of the year.
Never had any reason to complain about 2K.

But when you hit your loyal buyers with the okeydoke by claiming this is going to be the greatest game yet only to ignore your most important mode completely is uncalled for.

In a year of a Lockout removing all Free Agent moves, no rookies, & you dont improve your only feature that allows you to advance seasons.

It really is hard to understand.
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