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Old 10-01-2011, 07:08 PM   #49
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Re: NBA 2K12 Video - Jerseys and Team Ratings

Originally Posted by cavsfan2
AI era sixer uniforms..... could it be.... possibly a dlc?

Better be free though.
Those AI era Sixer uniforms have been in 2K since the inception of 2K. They were just tacked on as retros the year Philly switched back to the old school logo, kind of how Washington's jerseys from last year are now retroed.

Originally Posted by cavsfan2
there was a list leaked earlier in the summer that had the 00-01 sixers on it, then they didnt get in the game. But now since 2k is using DLC I was wondering if the 00-01 sixers could bea team included. Plus they have the AI sixer uniforms.
probably more wishful thinking than anything
Also, I'm not trying to pile on, but are you referring to the list brought about by a random poster saying he had a friend who worked for 2K. I'd love for additional historic teams in 2K12, but I wouldn't use that post on that website as a basis for excitement. It was so strange how everyone assumed his word to be true.
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