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Old 10-05-2011, 12:36 AM   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2010
The Hop Back Jumper is no more :(

Removal of the Hop Step button (Triangle for PS3) and turning it into the Post Up wasn't a good idea. Now, to do a 'Hop Back Jumper', you have to use the sticks and if you use the sticks you're forced to do a Fadeaway and if you do not use the stick, and use the button, it will result in a PUMP FAKE.

This is the move I am talking about, I used to execute it all the time with Deron Williams in NBA 2K11. If someone can prove in a video that this can be done in NBA 2K12, then I want to see it.

The moves were Triangle + L3 away from the basket and Deron Williams would go into a step back move. And you had the option to either pump fake (to draw a foul) or shoot the ball. This move created amazing space. But now, we are stuck with the animation-driven Step Back Jumper and Hop Back that you cannot pump fake it has to be a jumper.

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