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Old 10-05-2011, 11:54 AM   #22
NBA 2K Gameplay Producer, Offensive AI System - SIM NATION
Da_Czar's Arena
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Originally Posted by nuckles2k2
I say all of that because I agree with Kelvin about the state of FIFA, but how does it change? Where's the fans' input and criticism to actually get the game to take the next step? If everything is "OHHH WOW, I LOVE THIS GAME" then we're gonna keep getting the same game and for some inexplicable reason it just seems like the level of substantial quality in FIFA is acceptably sub par.
I loved your first post and to me it illustrates a theory I have.

When you get a lot of secondary fans of a sport or videogame. ( by secondary i mean its not their main sport, they don't know all the nuances)

Theyare more easily impressed than the core guys.

This is where you get arguments like This game ( insert userd primary sport ) should be more like the show or 2k ( secondary sport) Not knowing that there is some guy like knuckles who can see that the secondary game is jist as flawed as their primary.

If your not confused by now GREAT if you are I am too just forget I posted. LOL.

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