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Old 10-07-2011, 11:38 AM   #33
OVR: 0
Join Date: Oct 2011
Does anyone else play My Player mode??? For me, this is the main reason i buy NBA 2k. And i am disappointed, AGAIN. Since 2k10, My Player has been gettin worse and more frustrating (to think, its supposed to get BETTER).
1. My CPU teammates r terrible, whether i play on Hall Of Fame or Rookie. They just suck completely. Im only into my 4th game and i have to carry the load for my team (Golden State Warriors). Let me remind you that I am a Rookie, rated 61, coming off of the bench and i only play about 8 mins a game. So if i dont lead the way, we lose. WTF
2. The opposing CPU is UNSTOPPABLE. Trying to defend them is hard enough due to barely being able to control my own player. But they make every single shot. i mean, c'mon. I know its NBA but seriously. They get 50 three pointers a game, 30 And-One's, etc.
3. Idk why they decided to add this 'bumping off of defenders' thing, because now i cant even run a play without gettin stuck on defender. I even get stuck in the key and called for a 3 sec violation, all because my defender has a vacuum for a chest. Please get this horrible animation off, its just plain stupid. Definitely ruins my experience. I finally just gave up and went to Create A Legend (with LeBron). Same problems as listed above (and more), though. But at least he isnt rated 61 like my created player.
I can keep going on and on but I will stop there. I hope an update wont ruin the whole My Player like the update for 2k11(im praying). 2k12 is a great improvemt tho, and thanks to Sliders i can play it without gettin pissed off as i did with 2k11. I only play head to head, since online play is very slow and delays horribly.
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