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Old 10-16-2011, 10:34 PM   #8
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Re: Just watched Moneyball...

Originally Posted by The Yurpman
It's probably impossible to truly find players that are undervalued by other teams in video games for the simple fact that everyone has a "rating". In real life you can't look at a player and go, "Oh yeah, he's an 84 overall." (I know The Show uses bars, same idea though).
Yea just like it's hard to bring in the psychological element to the game. For example, Ryan Howard strikes out ALL the time in real life. But since I personally have good plate discipline, I can play him to be way more disciplined and as a result, he has way higher stats than he does in real life.

It's impossible to bring these factors in. I know clutch sort of does but it doesn't capture everything. I think they just rely on the player to add that psychological factor based on how he plays. For example, sometimes I just get in a hitting slump just like real players do at times in the real game.
What would Doc do?
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