I don't think anybody denies the importance of marketing. Of course, I can't speak for anyone else, but when
I say "it doesn't matter" I'm talking in terms of actual user experience and as a counter to the ridiculous emotional response this stuff generates here. IMO, for a place full of people that covet being thought of as discerning gamers, people should start using more discernment.
Now, as for the marketing angle itself, I have no issue. If the sole point being made (as you are doing now) is based on that then I have no disagreement. Specifically related to 2K, if the argument is that their marketing has generally been terrible for this franchise, I also have no disagreement...I've been saying the same for years.
That said though, I also don't believe that most people who hop on here ranting about cover athletes are ultimately concerned with a company's marketing success (unless everyone here owns stock in one of these companies...which I doubt).
I just don't see the disappointed reactions stemming from a thought of "oh no, I sure hope Company X picked a guy that will help their sales." It seems to stem more from "my guy didn't make it" or a baseless belief that the cover somehow affects product quality.
So, while it does indeed affect marketing, my question to someone who gets overly emotional about this crap would be "why do
you care?" Marketing is a fine argument for why Sony or 2K or EA should care, but it's a cop-out for why someone feels justified in railing about a game because their favorite didn't make the cover or by making dramatic "...or else" type statements as though a company should feel threatened by choosing "wrong."