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Old 11-24-2011, 10:41 PM   #7
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Re: The NBA 2K12 Simulation 2012 Draft Class

Originally Posted by Bubsi
By any chance will you be doing any further draft classes? I realize this is a huge ordeal youve taken on, but considering how amazing these play, you might look into the class of '13?

It would really add to the association, and your quite a monster at making these players play like themselves.

Thank you for this beast of a class!
Yes there are plans for Future Draft Classes. Just going to take a break until at least the 1st of the Year. That way there is time for us to enjoy the roster and relax. There was a TON of work and time put into the Roster and Draft Class and honestly we are burnt out right now. At least I know I am. I am glad you are enjoying the Draft Class.
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