12-02-2011, 10:38 AM
3X MLBTS Champion
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots
I almost get tired of thinking this every year after screens come out... it seems that computer gamers have been spoiled to an umph degree now that we have all these amazing video cards out there and can play games on a high end computers that cost... hundreds if not thousands of dollars...
What I'm trying to say is this... i just wish everyone would finally realize that we will always be GENERATIONS... behind what the actual pc can put out in terms of graphics and all that...
These companies are already losing millions of dollars due to the cost they are putting these consoles out at. if we were to have to pay the actual cost of what it cost them to build them no one expect for the elite in this country could afford it...
If these companies were to build a system with the most top end current generation parts out there... we would be paying well over $1200.00 for these consoles.
I can truly appreciate what we have been given... i have said it before and i will say it until everyone of this current generation understands...
for those of you that are too young to realize how well you have it... go out and buy a Atari 2600, colecovision Intelivision, Nintendo 8 bit system, SNES, and onward and upward til you get to this generations systems. Maybe just maybe you will all finally see how good we have it right now, and just how hard these guys work to get this out to us at the level we have it.
I see nothing wrong with the screens great as they have been every year... I LOVE the Marlins unis... no they may not be classic lines or whatever...
but you have to REMEMBER... they are in downtown MIAMI... (little cuba) a HUGE Latino core fan base... the colors are right on for the city of Miami, or heck for most of south Florida in general.
Everyone is due their opinion, I'm not trying to bash anyone... I'm trying to get everyone to open their eyes and take the blinders off and accept the game for what is it... the best baseball game we have ever had the pleasure to play.
"Baseball is life, without Baseball life itself ceases to exist." - Ken Sprague