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Old 12-14-2011, 06:04 AM   #270
ClevelandinDistress's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Blog Entries: 1
Re: NBA 2K12 Patch 1.04 Available Now For PS3, Post Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Lyvean
Numbers play a major part in this game, as well as statistics. Of course they are important.

It's not THE most important thing since there are other things that remain unfixed, but it clearly shows 2k's unprofessionalism.

It's a disgrace when you add it up to other things that remain unfixed.
2k's unprofessionalism? What planet do you live on? You want them to serve you this game on a golden plate adorned with diamonds? Everything they fixed was of more importance than simply a number bug. Disgrace? It's a disgrace that people like you are allowed to trash talk a game that people make with their heart and soul and there's only a couple small things holding it back from being pretty darn amazing. It's a disgrace that you are even allowed to enjoy this game. Somebody should come to your house and take your copy and give It to someone more deserving.
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