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Old 12-14-2011, 09:18 AM   #282
OVR: 1
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Miami, FL
Re: NBA 2K12 Patch 1.04 Available Now For PS3, Post Impressions Here

After a couple of quick games...

A lot of the glitches seem to have been ironed out, with the exception of the fake pass button still passing the ball on occasion. Improvements made in some areas, like the speed of passes. That hitch before a chasedown block seems to be gone. Still seeing players slide, warps, psychic defense and all that, but no one expected any changes to the game engine. It's outdated and troublesome, but it is what it is.

Outside of that, I had asked about player speed last night and can confirm myself now that everyone on the court still sprints at the exact same speed regardless of ratings. This a dealbreaker for me in terms of gameplay. It seems like something 2K can fix with roster updates, but then they'd have to address all kinds of ratings issues that skew the balance of the game and I'm not holding my breath.

TL;DR: This patch has some important fixes but only gets us to about 2/3 of a final build. Looking forward to starting my association after 1.05.
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