12-23-2011, 08:10 PM
OVR: 49
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Ohio
Re: Gran Turismo 5 2.02 Update Available Now
IMO the next update needs to tune up the new 3rd person cam. Its better then before, but sometimes moves a bit too much for what it should. Also, its time to start moving at least some standards to premiums. The Bugatti Veyron is a must premium IMO. Also, as far as dlc's we need better cars. Where is the aventador, reventon, and like cars? Doesnt make since to me. They would sell so many dlcs with these cars in the packs.
GT5 is much better then it was at release, but I have Forza 4 and a 360 coming tomorrow night(bought for son, but I will also enjoy!).....so I have a feeling GT5's days are nearly over for me.