Quote: |
Originally Posted by Blzer |
I've personally never been a fan of this, because: 1) it takes user control out of contact chance (except for timing and strike zone recognition); 2) the fly ball/ground ball directions become a hogwash. I know that you can use them for situational purposes, but they shouldn't override the ability to hit the ball where you want.
Here's the main reason I don't like it: the swing influence should not the the determiner for where the ball is hit, and this is why I think SCEA nearly has it perfect right now with zone analog hitting.
Let's say you try and pull an outside pitch... heck, let's say you try and pull an inside pitch... but your timing is late. Do you still pull the ball? No. I'm sure you understand and agree with this, but my point now is why are we trying to influence our hit based on how we swing at the ball? To try and improve our contact, correct? Well personally, I'd rather leave that up to a zone hitting kind of feature. That way, we're still trying to accomplish the same goal.
If all else fails, you still have pull/push directional hitting with the right analog stick (shooting it toward the 10:00-2:00 positions when you swing) alongside zone hitting. Of course, it's only an influence, and not necessarily a guidance.
My main question is whether or not SCEA is going to include the "zone analog" hitting mode with the ability to use the buttons for swinging instead of the stick. I realize the name "analog" implies the stick, however it's a fair question to ask because push button hitting is available in substitution of analog hitting in all other modes.
Or will this mode only be with the analog stick hitting? Anyone know?