01-03-2012, 11:25 PM
OVR: 24
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 4,944
Re: Community Day - Gameplay questions/concerns/inquiries
1. Have they changed the "PCI lock" that occurs upon pressing the swing button?
Zone Hitting: In previous games, you are unable to move the PCI instantly after pressing the swing button. In the heat of a pitch and swing, this results in a lot of failed swings. The PCI would often still be in the middle of the zone, because my right thumb happened to press the swing button milliseconds before my left thumb moved the analog stick. I'd like to know if this has been changed this year, as I'd like to see this changed, so that the "lock" only occurs shortly before the batter actually swings the bat. In other words, you'd get about another second or so, as the batter prepares to swing, where you can still move the PCI.
2. I'd like to know if fielders are now free of the "speed bursts" and "vacuum gloves" that have shown up in previous years.