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Old 01-12-2012, 08:13 PM   #3
Preo32's Arena
OVR: 4
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Chicago / Mizzou
Re: What is your playstyle like in Association?

82 game season, 10 min quarters when I play. When I go back to school tomorrow Im going to start an association up. I plan on playing roughly 6 to 8 games a month, so that I can get better at it and see who I really like and do not like. My favorite team is the Raptors so I will use them. Ill instantly trade Arron Gray away for a 2nd rounder wherever i can get that. Then Ill probably trade Kleiza for a pick to clear some cap space and the clogging at SF.

I plan on trading Gary Forbes as well for a SF. If I cannot find one suitable without giving up too much, Ill sign a free agent to start and either trade Forbes for a pick or send him to the D-League.

Unfortuently I have Valanciunas on the roster for the year, who I have to put in the D-League to clear roster space, but that takes away a spot of who I can send down. Typically Ive sent down Solomon Alabi, but I like his height and defensive ability, and I think Ill keep him to be the backup center. I usually dont play Magloire much and he'll probably just ride the pine.

I want to sign 3 to 4 free agents to fill out the roster + reserves, just because there are free agents I like that arent great but I do want to see how they play in the game
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