I hear ya. Come March 6th it will be hard for me not to go out and buy this game. I've bought MLB The Show every year since its inception. I do like what I'm hearing about the upgrades and certainly respect the work this team puts into the game every year.
Being an (older) retired guy now, retired a couple of years ago, and on somewhat of a fixed income, I really have to watch my gaming budget. No longer do I have the option of working some overtime to buy the games I want. Don't get me wrong, I'm not poor or whining here but budgeting is something I never really had to do much of until lately.
I believe Mass Effect 3 comes out the same day and that is another game I was really looking forward to. Dropping $130 in a day on games is something I've done in the past but doing that today I must really believe the upgrades to one of those games is worth it. I am still happy with my "11 and play regularly but I know '12 will be even better, just not sure at this point how much better and if the improvements justify me buying the game at this point in my life.
Knowing myself like I do though, most likely on March 6th I will be at the front door of my local gaming store with money in hand! What can I say? I'm a baseball nut!