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Old 01-19-2012, 08:47 PM   #9
Animal Liberation
EnigmaNemesis's Arena
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Join Date: Apr 2006
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Originally Posted by chris68pj
I guess then that PS+ is required for the cloud storage which sucks. Also, since I would only consider the wi-fi version, I would have to remember to load it at home off my network and then save it so that I could pick it up later when I'm at work where I don't have access to a network. A little obnoxious but I can't really complain when I refuse to pay for 3G. Now is it worth paying for PS+ over? Hmmm...
PS+ is not required.

This is done within the game on The Show's internal cloud. You are allowed to store one save for each mode.

PS+ will allow you to manually have multiple saves done on the PS+ storage. But we do not know how that will work with the Vita since the US store is not up yet.
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