01-23-2012, 03:58 AM
Miami lames
I wish 2k would have updated Miami without Dwade in the line up. Its insane that out of the last 10 games Ive played, 7 of them were against Miami. Im just glad that I only have to zone up and basically challenge 2 people majority of the time. I love getting people pissed by saying you got a 98 and a 96 on your team and you still suck!! Then I know every play down Lebron or Dwade has to prove themselves lol. One game a guy took 36 shots with Lebron lol. Next closest person was DWade with 9 shots lol.
I also love it when people pause the game to show replays every 3 or so plays, and then they quit when they know there is no chance of winning!!