01-23-2012, 05:14 PM
OVR: 27
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 15,677
Re: MLB 12 The Show Hands-On Preview - Road to the Show (PSNation)
I played about a month into my 2nd season, but before I got there, I have to say that simming the off-season has been sped-up significantly, which was noticeable immediately to anyone that was paying attention. It may not sound like a big deal, but in years past, when I simulated the offseason, I could leave to make a sandwich and still have time to eat it before it would finish. This year the process takes mere minutes, which is awesome.
YES!! Finally! I absolutely hated how long simming the offseason took. I think MLB '09 was the first game that the delay started in. Very glad to hear it has been sped up once again. Great work by SCEA as always!