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Old 01-24-2012, 05:42 PM   #22
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Hands-On Preview - PS Move and PSVita (PSNation)

Originally Posted by rodperezto
I wouldn't worry too much about it. The lag you notice on the video happens because of the video camera's speed to record video and it doesn't capture the speed the way your eye would.
That was one of my main complaints about the move before it came out; I'd seen some videos and didn't really see the whole 1-1 thing they were talking about. When you play the game, you'll notice that if there is some lag, it will be minimal and it won't affect the gameplay.
Some games are better at handling it than others, though...

Sports Champions is fun because it really is 1-1, and for me it really shows when playing the table tennis game. You can swing the paddle, rotate your wrist around to change the paddle angle and see all that movement in real time, and it's really immersive for such a simple game. Others like Tiger Woods for example definitely have some lag on the swing, because you'll be in your follow through before you hear the club strike the ball. In TW's case the 1-1 really isn't essential for game play (personally I don't even look up at the screen until after my swing), so it can kinda get away with it. It would be pretty important for a baseball game to have a quick response since you WILL be looking at the screen as the pitch comes in.

It all depends on how well the Move is implemented.
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