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Old 01-28-2012, 02:20 AM   #129
*ll St*r
Knight165's Arena
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements

Originally Posted by Rag3vsW0rld
I remember seeing you bring this up a while back Knight and I think it'd be a fitting system. Some people feel like every player reaches their potential in the current system and that there aren't any A potential or B potential players that never reach it, but a system like this would certainly help with prospects.

tabarnes and I were speaking both amongst ourselves and with Aaron and Brett about this very thing. A bit to linear and predictable.(a "bit" YIKES!)

We both put forth to them that we(the community) would like to see more true gems and busts....but also see much more of a varying degree of change in growth from year to year in player that are advancing/regressing, rather than the current +5 or 6(or whatever it is for that player) every year with only a slight chance of change off that(training).

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