02-03-2012, 04:53 AM
OVR: 1
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: England
Re: Five Things EA Sports must do for Success in Madden NFL 13
i agree with these but also add warping, ol/dl interaction, small things on superstar like immersion and things actually working, franchise needs better draft experience and for the love of god something like the madden 06 pc training camp mod. you have a player with a shortfall you address it at camp like tebows throwing action, or alex smith making the right reads.
forget overalls, just have the stats so that the stats that affect an action are used and not anything else. therefore you can make something of a player if you use him one way because if you dont thats a roster spot and money tied up.
in fact use some things from 06, or hc 06/09.