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Old 02-04-2012, 05:55 PM   #170
Big FN Deal
Big FN Deal's Arena
OVR: 33
Join Date: Aug 2011
Re: There's something(s) OUT of WHACK in the DEEP and MIDDLE PASSING GAME

That video is yet another example of everything that was done in Madden in the past having the caveat of "keeping it fun" being more important than "keeping it real". Every defender becoming instantly aware of the ball being thrown is seems to be Tiburon's way of improving the defense.

It's hard to give constructive criticism when there is no feedback from the creator of what's being critiqued but I will still try. The last in depth developer interaction about Madden with Ian and crew revealed the POV that fun had to trump realism in Madden. So in order to counter a "fun" designed offense, developers have to utilize stuff like psychic defenders and warping to keep defense "fun" too.

I don't understand why the real NFL hasn't been used as a blueprint for how Madden can realistically and enjoyably regulate gameplay. It's all a domino effect, so if you make one thing realistic, include it's realistic counterpart, instead of creating one "fun"/unrealistic thing and including another to counter it. They seem to allocate resources to things trying to fix Madden every year, that end up further breaking the football in it.

I am no programmer but it seems that if they tuned the game so all positions and players are regulated by REALISTIC ratings, penalties and physics, creating all those unrealistic "fixes" would not be necessary.

For example, if the pass rush caused the QB to generally need to stay in the pocket, get rid of the ball quickly and make presnap reads, the defense wouldn't need to be given a sixth sense to keep scores low. If offensive players actually had to slow down to make cuts, defenders wouldn't need warp into position to make plays or mimic every twitch the offensive player makes for pursuit. If catches/interceptions required actually gaining possession of the ball, a ratings "dice roll" wouldn't be needed to predetermine what happens, etc.

It is a complete waste of resources to continue to invest in attempting to create "fun" unrealistic gameplay in a simulation. There is no such thing, one cancels out the other, so they have to choose, imo.
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