02-08-2012, 09:39 PM
Go Pack Go!!
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 1,277
What's the point of a UA/All-American All-Star game that will only involve roughly 5% of players in the database, when we already know their attributes and talents? This has always been sort of a meh to me. I don't understand why so many want it so badly.
Now, a Spring Game, that could allow coaches to play with their own teams to tinker with different packages and determine your teams identity in a sort of "Pre-Season", or some kind of Spring Camp, where drills could be used to make a player or certain skill positions better, sounds much more practical to me.
It brings it's own questions though. What would you user-play? The 1st and 2nd team offenses? Defenses? Could we divide the teams ourselves or would there be some sort of algorithm by which the CPU divided the teams for us?
XBOX Series X Gamer Tag: Alsbron