02-08-2012, 11:14 PM
OVR: 5
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: good ol' germany
Re: MLB 12 The Show Fact Sheet
I gotta say, very impressive fact-sheet list. Looks like 12 will make a bigger leap over last years version than 11 did to 10 and 10 to 09. And the fact that I don't really care about the first 3 (key) features makes it even more awesome (Vita, cross platform saves and move), that's why I think 2013 will be even better with more focus on different things. DD sounds interesting, I am curious to find out. I have never played this (or similar) mode in FIFA, because I don't like buying things like player-cards, but obviously money isn't recquired to have fun with DD. And even if I have no interest in playing human-players, it's a great option that I can only battle CPU-teams. Let's hope the demo comes out quick, I already know how awesome the Show is, but I want to find out about the ball-phsyics (probably the best feature this year) before the retail version hits the stores.