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Old 02-28-2012, 01:54 PM   #56
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Team Intro Videos - Giants vs Dodgers, Jays vs Yankees, Mets vs N

Originally Posted by Knight165
MLB Baseball has intros?

I'm usually getting my sandwich prepared and glass of water until first pitch.


you cant be considered a hardcore baseball fan if all you watch baseball related is games first pitch to last out.

casual fan? yes of course.

People who watch pre and post game, MLB Network, listen to baseball talk shows on the radio.
theres your hardcore. the ones who lap up EVERYTHING baseball.
so, what the show does in that regard doesn't apply to you.
but there are some who love that stuff. tnixen being a perfect example.

people could say 'yawn' to those who 'play' MOM in the Show.
but thats your preference, boring to some, not to others. sony looks at all areas and improves them.

the changes wanted there are for them.
Just look at how revered NFL 2k5's presentation is to this day.
all u need to know.
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