03-01-2012, 12:52 PM
Re: MLB 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here
Amazing to me how much they've taken from the MVP 06/07 games (NCAA baseball, when analog hitting and pitching were first introduced). The replays of your swing, the analog fielding/throwing, etc.
I really like the feel of hitting. For the first time I think they achieved something as good or better than the feel MVP06 had for analog hitting. In MVP06, however, you could move the hit stick left or right on the follow thu to push or pull the ball, something I wouldn't mind having here, to add at least an element of zone hitting.
The animations are still sub-par for what I expect out of a current gen baseball game. But overall, the hitting and pitching feel authentic. The fielding and base running are ok. The graphics look decent. This could be the best 2K baseball game since WS2K3 or 2k4.