03-04-2012, 01:11 PM
Re: Five Things to Improve NCAA Football 13
Long time lurker, but recently joined,
I read most of this thread & so much of this is true, & I think we all want this game to truly evolve & it has not & yet we still support it, because we have no other option & we are so passionate about our schools , programs, or just the game of football.
I think NCAA/ ea should utilize Forza method & goto a two disc model,
Put all of the stadium assets & extra game modes on a disc that we can load on the hard drive, things like dynasty & play creator could be fully fleshed out & really bring this game into the next gen finally.
A sim/ arcade button or slider should be added, and done correctly, arcade would be more pick up & play for the young kids & casual gamers who don't know football & want the more "street" type of gameplay
Sim would be us older players, who want the RPG/AD/ what we see on Saturday type of gameplay & control over it.
The data disc(2nd) would be huge for this game.
I play skyrim & I love it, it is truly remarkable what they do in that game, but at no point are there 22 hi res characters on screen interacting together & a dynamic environment playing out around it & tracking each characters stats & logging them. I say that to say I know that doing a college football game the way we want is a tough task, but so much more is possible than the effort we have been getting.
I'd love to test for ea, I'd put in 40-60 hours a week, to help this game be as good as possible.
James b