03-09-2012, 06:01 PM
OVR: 12
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Washington D.C.
Hit influence with Pure Analog? (russel, knight, enig...)
So analog plus zone is fun and all but its kind of hit or miss in terms of response time when I move the left analog (zone) stick. I went back to Pure Analog which I feel is more organic in terms of swing and I now seem to notice that I can influence where I can spray the ball. I pull, oppo, and can influence fly (HR) and grounders much like analog but even more like the MVP days use to be. Is it jsut me and this is coincidental or is there a influence. I use the left anlog to influence as I would the zone plus analog its just I have it set on just plain pure analog.
"Im all jacked up on mountain dew!"
" Im just a big hairy american winning machine"