03-13-2012, 05:16 AM
Re: Need All-Star Total Control Sliders for MLB 2k12
I played a part of a game with the new sliders I suggested and realized I overcompensated. I restarted with even newer slider changes and those might not be perfect yet either. I struck out 8 and walked 4, so I'm excited that it's possible to have a game where control is an issue!
I'd increased pitch speed slightly to try to generate more extra base power and tried to up contact and hitter's eye to compensate. Judging by my results, that needs more fine tuning. I did get a couple of doubles and a homer, but I got 13 hits. Oh, and I struck out 7 times which is an increase for the better...
I increased running speed by 1 tick. Ended up with 4 SB... which is probably ridiculous. Granted one was a double steal. Either I was more confident or the slight increase makes close plays into steals. I wanted the increased speed to create doubles in close calls but it might have created feisty stealers instead.
I do feel there is a balance, I just haven't struck it yet.