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Old 03-13-2012, 08:03 AM   #95
fcboiler87's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Features New Passing System, Enhanced Commentary and More

I've done a little thinking and reflecting on the "new recruiting features." Here's the thing; recruiting is already quite time consuming. Don't get me wrong, it's my favorite part of the game, but it takes a while. In years past, everything was scouted for us (if you just went to look at the letter grades). I can honestly say I didn't do that a lot. I'd just recruit by stars because that was a pretty good gauge. Is it going to take more time now that we have to scout in addition to recruiting? Or is the recruiting system going to be revamped a la something from NCAA 2000 (PS1 days)? Very interesting to say the least. I'm hoping for the latter because my time to play this game is limited the older I get.
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