03-17-2012, 12:59 AM
Re: How to come out on top of an excellent defense?
I'd rather just take the loss. I'm smoking hot in recruiting right now, so in a season or two, once the new recruits become sophomores and get well trained, I'll put'em on the field and see what they can do. I hate adjusting sliders just so I can win. Albeit, I am not the best at football. I am improving drastically, but I have a ways to go.
And by the way, my comment about "just shoot me now" in reference to Ohio State was not an insult to OSU. I love Ohio State and all their traditions (script ohio, the tuba dotting the "i", etc.). I just get so frustrated when I play them. I don't know what it is about playing them, but my blood pressure goes doubly high when I do so. Maybe it's because I feel I am being taunted on every interception and swat. lol
Last edited by drummerguy1989; 03-17-2012 at 01:05 AM.