03-21-2012, 05:10 AM
Re: After reading my teams spring report, I can't get excited about this gen...
Hahaha that was amazing. What a great late-night read. I read every single word of it and can't agree more.
I felt like in NCAA 12 that I had no connections to it.
Like the players I recruited were just stars (4 star player, 3 star player, etc.).
Home games didn't feel different than road games.
All the games started to feel the same.
And the players felt very similar in a bad way.
I found myself changing everyone's equipment to tell the difference between some of my players.
And I felt like the computer has like a pre-determined outcome in mind before the play even starts and it greatly effects everything.
Anywho, loved the article.
I really think there needs to be more FOOTBALL strategy involved, rather than just adding "video game" stuff. I agree.