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Old 04-02-2012, 06:10 PM   #179
Pokes404's Arena
OVR: 10
Join Date: Jun 2008
Re: NCAA Football 13 Sights and Sounds Webcast

Originally Posted by jsmith17
What's sad is that a lot of the misinformed don't realize those graphics are from NCAA 12 and that it's a WIP...most recent comment says, "looks like NCAA 12...(screw) EA we need a 2K football game".

One thing I noticed in that video: If you look at the top right corner at 0:35, the two animations (knocking over the lineman to tackling the QB) looks smooth, almost like it transitions directly into that. Kind of like real life. Overall from those samples movement/gameplay animations looks smoother, especially with the motion blur.
My only problem with that clip is that it pretty well cements my fears that nothing has been done to improve player movement and stress weight/momentum. After crashing into a blocker so hard that he knocks him over, how could a guy that big make a turn like that without planting his left foot or slowing down? You don't see him fighting his own momentum to cut back and sack the QB. He just turns on a dime.
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