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Old 04-03-2012, 11:49 AM   #45
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Re: 3 More NCAA Football 13 Blogs with Audio Samples and Motion Blur Video Included

Originally Posted by afbrother
All good points. A simple economic question might be, if they fixed everything, then how would they get your money the next year? What could they hype? I mean the process of playing football never changes, run, pass, kick. They can add all the whistles you want--and people do want that. However when you are facing 3rd and 10, you are not looking at cheerleaders, dreadlocks, etc. You want your players to perform the way they should. Why do we need a brand new game every year? Couldn't they incorporate updates with the season pass and charge $20.00 instead of $10.00? This could apply to all the sports titles. Maybe there is not enough money in it to run a business model, but it seems to me it would be a win/win for everyone and broaden their base.
They release a game every year because they are contracted to release one every year. That is just the nature of sports games. My whole gripe has always been:

Fix the basics of the sport you suppose to be representing. Certain sports are known for certain things to happen on a regular basis and that needs to be better represented in the game. That should be priority number one.

Cheerleaders, crowd chants, lighting techniques, etc.......just extra.

Look at MLB The Show and NBA 2K basketball. The basics of those sports are represented. Core game play is solid. Every year they just add more or better animations or ball physics. But the core game play foundation is solid. What you expect to see in baseball or basketball game is represented.

I mean could you imagine if played a basketball game and nobody ever threw alley oops ? Never dunked ? No fastbreaks ?

Played a baseball game and there was never a home run ? No double plays ? No steal attempts ?

That is the problem with EA Sports football games. The core game play isn't correct. Option attacks, shotgun running, jet sweeps, WR screens, HB screens are flawed because the blocking logic is flawed. There is no gap assignment logic.

Special teams is completely flawed. Never a punt return for a TD or big gain. Never a kick off returned for a TD. Option teams aren't deadly like they are in real life. Air raid and run & shoot offense isn't deadly like it is in real life. There aren't punt blocks or FG blocks.

Dual threat QBs aren't dangerous......Hell the play makers aren't even dangerous. How is it you can have a play maker WR but yet the ball only gets thrown to him twice in a game ? But yet the scrub TE get passed to 15 times a game ?

There is no pass late hit flags where the player clearly be out of bounds.

I really don't know why football fans put up with this stuff every year. Why they accept it and make excuses for it. You wouldn't see baseball, basketball or soccer fans put up with it.

For way too long now, the basics of what makes football, football has been ignored and neglected.
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