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Old 04-07-2012, 08:49 PM   #36
OVR: 11
Join Date: Jul 2002
Re: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 Review (360/PS3)

Originally Posted by woody2goody
I still don't see why people are defending the DLC policy that TW has. I agree there should be SOME DLC, but to have 15-20 courses for free, and have 20-25 that you are almost forced to pay for is a bit of a joke.

Now I bought all the DLC for '12, but I got the game for less than £15 so i didn't mind. I believe EA loses money because of many people who will wait to get the game cheap because they believe that only then does it become worthwhile.

I agree that 2004 was the best all-round PGA game until '12, and all the courses were free.

At least reduce the DLC pricing structure to 0.50 per course or something like that, which is a lot more reasonable.
Seriously? Licensed PGA TOUR as well as other World Class courses for $.50 each? Sorry, never going to happen. If you had any idea what it cost EA to create each course (licensing fees, going to the course and laser-mapping, laser-scanning the course, the acquiring GPS data for building the 3D terrain, then the painstaking hours that the course artists spend getting the course to look and play accurately), you would not make such absurd comments. Links 2004 had 2 whole DLC courses that were not licensed and they were $5.00 each and had nowhere near the resources that EA puts into their courses. Not to mention Links only came with 6 courses to begin with. Three years ago, Tiger DLC was $7.50 each and a couple of courses were $10.00 each. With TW13, you can get an 11 course pack for $39.99 which also comes with a bonus new licensed PGA TOUR course as well. Sorry, but when I see DLC pricing as well as options to acquire DLC courses without spending a penny as well, you are darn right I am going to support the direction EA is going with DLC courses. If you can't see it, then I don't know what else to say other than find another game to play.....
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