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Old 04-08-2012, 12:37 AM   #5
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Re: Your Top 3 Likes and Dislikes About Madden NFL 12


1. Run Defense

I hate how LBs play. They take silly routes to the ball carrier sometimes (like my MLB going all the way around the OL when if he would have just stayed home, he'd be in perfect position - and this is basically the god of linebackers). They don't read the play, but try to make a beeline to where the ball carrier is currently. I've seen LBs go to where the HB was two seconds ago while now he's past the line of scrimmage. If the LB read how the play was developing, he could better anticipate where the ball carrier is going, and get in better position (or see that the play is coming at him and that maybe he should just...stay home and get ready.

2. Run Offense

It seems too "moves" oriented. Backs don't seem to just be able to use their power and balance (STR and AGI), but instead have to do a juke to make defenders fall over themselves or stiff arms that slap people to the ground, and spins that make the defenders fall over themselves again.

HBs do more smaller, last-second moves to destroy pursuit angles, not just these overt jukes and stuff. Stiff arms don't always knock people down, sometimes, they just negate the defender's power by using leverage.

On the CPU side - why don't HBs take the 4-5 yd runs more often? I see HBs that see a defender in the hole, but 3 yds away from the line. Why not take the 3 yds and then try to slip by/power through the defender to get a 4-5 yd gain? It seems like the HB is too much trying to get "sexy" runs, but not the "blue collar" runs that help keep drives alive.

3. Line Blocking/Penetration

These interactions seem so all-or-nothing. Not enough "gradual success/failures". For example, a OL that has the advantage, but not just throw the DL to the ground, but steadily drives him back. Same for the other side on pass rush - DL not often keep pushing the offensive linemen back into the QB, steadily collapsing the pocket. Instead, they blow past if they win, or get "patty caked" if they don't.

OL when blocking laterally moving plays (like outside zone plays or pitches/sweeps) they don't drive the defenders laterally. It's basically the same forward blocking with a few of the guys pulling and such.

There's no double team pass blocking. As such, it's one reason why the 3-4 doesn't work right. There's not enough double team blocking at all, imo. A guy like Suh shouldn't get one-on-one blocking all game long.


1. DPP, Roles, and Traits

This was a great addition and I hope MORE is done with this going forward. It is a good foundation for creating diversity in how players play on the field. I like all of the various traits that are there and most of the roles (some seem useless overall - like 1st round pick or Project Player).

2. UDFAs

This is a good idea done bad. I guess it's not a pure "like" in that I don't like how the CPU is clueless with who to cut. I do like the concept and idea of it, and hopefully, there's some tweaking to make the CPU much more intelligent about who to cut and who to develop and keep.

3. Scouting System.

Again, I like the idea behind the new-style scouting system and hopefully there's some tweaks to make it more realistic.
"Some people call it butterflies, but to him, it probably feels like pterodactyls in his stomach." --Plesac in MLB18
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