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Old 04-09-2012, 01:26 PM   #116
Burrow Club
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Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Would you mind elaborating on your problem with this?

I get that people wanted to be able to edit faces and hair separately but the developers seem to have at least addressed the issue of more hair lengths, just not in that way. Also, can you explain what you find so terrible about the faces in NCAA 12 besides the lack of variety, which is said to be expanded in NCAA 13?

It seems like the visuals are handled by the art department and animations along with the improved passing system would be handled by the gameplay team, so why does your opinion of the visuals spill over into every department equaling EA phoned this one in?

If I go to McDonalds to get a chicken sandwich, fries, drink and the fries are cold along with the drink being watered down, that doesn't automatically mean the sandwich is FUBAR too. Different people were responsible for each item, likewise for NCAA 13, I presume.
Don't ask them to rationalize their hate. They can't and will just respond with more flaming
And may thy spirit live in us, Forever LSU

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