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Old 04-12-2012, 12:58 PM   #132
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Knight165's Arena
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Re: Operation Sports Full Minors 2012 Roster - Opening Day Edition Available Now

Originally Posted by ARoid1313
under single team control, if i sign a player how come i cant trade him to another team, regardless if ignore budgets and force trades are on?

im playing single team with the yankees and i have force trades,instant trades, and ignore budgets on. this was my "hack" to update my franchise rosters without having to control all 30 teams. So i just signed Damon and want to trade him to Cleveland but it wont let me
It says "This trade will likely be rejected because one or more players were recently signed as free agents"... WTF?any ideas why? is this a bug?
MLB rules state that you cannot sign a FA and trade him within a certain time frame. I'm not sure of the time frame though. This is correct in the game. Put him on the roster before you start.

Originally Posted by Magic Stick
its the rules aint cant trade a signed free agent until after june 15 or something like that

Originally Posted by Bushido247
Now I see why you guys control all 30 teams...

The Mets just traded P.Goldshmidt (who they got from AZ for David Wright) AND Ike Davis to the Rangers for Paul Konerko in my first season.
Are we really gonna do this here?

Originally Posted by dbacks_Nation
Hundreds of players are placed on waivers, not unusual.
Correct. Also what happens IRL.....almost all players are placed on waivers in order to facilitate trades.

Originally Posted by pixelfunk
Budget question regarding the roster--- witht the default roster, when I start a Franchise with the Indians, it gives me a budget of 90M. When I use the OSFM roster, my budget is 115M. So by adding/subtracting players before you start the Franchise, you can change your budget number when you start a new one? I'm confused...
When contracts are changes the budget to help keep the franchise mode in line.

Originally Posted by Totte
I think it has something to do with the Asdrubal Cabrera contract. When he signed his extension, the guys upped the value of it to be more like his real deal. I'm sure altering the contracts for certain guys in general have adjusted the team budgets overall in franchise mode.
Did we change his contract?....I didn't think so....unless it's his real one.

Originally Posted by MrMVP91
I hope this doesn't come off ungrateful but I think you guys should release a franchise file with everything done up to Opening Day because the thread is going to continue to get cluttered with questions about why lineups are changing and why pitching rotations are changing.

I hate suggesting that you guys should do even more work after what great work you do for the MLB The Show community but it must be frustrating for you to see every other post complain about lineup and pitching rotation changes.

If you released a franchise file I think everyone can just download that and the questioning would stop, to an extent.

Just a suggestion.
Well....I think Hustlin' has already made a 25 man roster which is the same as starting the franchise file.

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