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Old 04-15-2012, 04:16 PM   #5
OVR: 7
Join Date: Jul 2010
Blog Entries: 12
Re: Superstars and Prospects...

Well with my franchise with the A's, i always wanted to keep my prospects in the minors so I can control them for as long as I can. Michael Choice in 2014 is one my top 9 players in the franchise and he's getting his first shot in the bigs this year. Most of my prospects or pitching prospects that are good for my team have less than half a year on MLB service, so I'll be keeping these guys for a long amount of time. SInce I'm the A's and I don't have a lot of budget, I do this so I don't have to pay them as much.

I also used Baseball Instinct 360 for ETA's and Baseball America to see what my 2015 lineup would or should be without trades. What's nice about Baseball Instinct is that it has 360 prospects all with ETA's so it can give you any prospect you need really.
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