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Old 04-17-2012, 06:43 PM   #45
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Phobia's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 13 Gameplay Trailer

Also while watching this "playbook" video. I wanted to comment on something that was said and part of a reason why the camera holds back the game some.

They are talking about the new QB avoidance in the pocket. Then he said "it helps you keep your eyes down field". Now I don't know about you guys, but I play a huge issue of......look up on the screen....look down at QB....quickly look back at Wrs.....oh wait is their pressure, look back down at QB.....etc etc.

The way the camera is situated the field is elongated vertically which makes it impossible to look "past" the O-line and watch your WRs while keeping a eye on pressure with your peripheral vision.

If the camera was lowered over the shoulder of the QB more so then it would be much easier to keep a eye on both the pass rush and the WRs/DBs. Without panicking if that "let go block" animation triggers and you suffer a sack at the worst time which we currently deal with now.
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