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Old 04-18-2012, 02:19 PM   #142
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
I am all for these improvements. Psychic db's was one of the most disgusting things I've seen in football. I'm glad they're gone, but it seems people get offended when you aren't impressed about the improvements EA made. The passing game overhaul was definitely overdue, but things being added like trajectories is just a little idk, it's just funny to me EA thought it was cool to have 2 trajectories. Like they didn't see anything wrong with it for years, lol, and I'm supposed to be excited that they finally realized this? Lol. It's just funny to me.

I will enjoy the game for what it is with my limited time with it, but getting excited now is something I just can't do. I've owned every NCAA game, and I guess the excitement from these improvements is so low for me because the base of the engine(s) was so bad to begin with. Here's to next gen and hoping they decide to go with a more sim based foundation. Props to the devs for all the hardwork, shame on EA/Tiburon for such terrible focus and vision for all these years. Look no further than the back of NCAA 10 for evidence of this.
sound like MLB the show 12,NBA 2k12 very minor undated some like some complain I mean MLB the show has a lot of issues and they market ball physics really....same with 2k basketball a lot of issues and they market classic teams really...its not just NCAA its sports games after 6yrs its only so much there going to do.....and yes those games have problems over looked for years.

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Last edited by ultralow36; 04-18-2012 at 02:21 PM.
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