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Old 04-21-2012, 08:23 PM   #5
gubunko's Arena
OVR: 5
Join Date: Feb 2003
Re: Using a Minor League Team in Franchise

Originally Posted by aukevin
I've always wanted too but never do it. I've always wanted to take my local team, turn all franchise options to auto, and play. What ever players get traded or called up I just roll with.
That would be fun to do, dealing with a constantly changing lineup and rotation. It would be a totally new lineup year. Then in a couple of years, if you got bored, you could always pretend you got hired by the big league club and start managing them as well. I think I found my new franchise model...
Yes, I've been here since 2003. No, I don't post much. I'm too busy playing the games.
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