We don't really have a thread for if you just happen to be watching a match, any match, and you have some sort of observation or random comment about it.
Anyways, I was watching Punk/Cena from MITB last year, and damn was Cena's reversal of the GTS into the STF cool. Also loved Punk's reversal of the AA, which was basically overflipping and landing on his feet. That match seriously never gets old. Amazing crowd, and the match lived up to it.
Also, what is it about Cena that makes people want to actually hit him (or in this case, knee him) in the face? Lesnar's been doing it, and Punk did it too.
Now I'm watching HHH/Taker from Wrestlemania XXVII. I feel like this match gets forgotten for some weird reason, because while it's not either HBK/Taker match, and it's not HHH/Taker III from this year, it's freaking awesome. Brutal match.
Also, I think Ditto guy is sitting in the front row for it. Which makes me chuckle.