Thread: Noah Wyoming
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Old 04-30-2012, 08:29 PM   #5
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Re: Noah Wyoming

Originally Posted by bullhead242
He's a decent option (92/93) POT as pure passer, but you can do better. Andre Woodson and Josh Johnson are both better options in 2008.

The main reason I've never used Wyoming for long, is Tristan Riley comes the next year. Riley can be had later in the draft, and has a higher potential in field general or pure passer.
Ya I decided to not try the Wyoming experiment and I've already done franchises with Woodson and Johnson.

I haven't had much time to play so I'm only at the '10 draft and I'm considering taking Talon Tolliver. If I choose not to take him or can't then I'm definitely going to take Riley next year.
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