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Old 05-02-2012, 04:34 AM   #2
OVR: 10
Join Date: Jan 2009
Blog Entries: 1
Re: What do you guys think about this sort of "lead passing" feature for Madden?

I think it would be a great option. Maybe better use for it would be in practice mode?

I don't know if what you're saying is this, but if I wanted any visual this is what it would be: there would be no need for a zoomed in view. Just as I press the receivers icon, and give him a direction or a lead... a little crosshair or target would pop up letting me know where exactly I aimed it. Its after the fact I guess, so there is no controlling the cross hair.

I guess that wont work lol. So maybe instead of a cross hair, there is a zone and the QB's accuracy would dictate the size of the zone. Where a more accurate QB would have a smaller more precise zone. I don't know.

It would be neat, but I could definitely live without it. I am all for options though
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